Sunday 31 October 2021



Name : Pramod Kumar
Call +91 7209831889
+91 7050599189
Office time - 10 : 00 am to 05:00 pm

12वीं पास करने के बाद, कई युवा छात्र आगे विशेषज्ञता के लिए जाने की इच्छा रखेंगे। पहला काम एयरोस्पेस इंजीनियरिंग जैसी इंजीनियरिंग शाखा को चुनना है। जैवचिकित्सा अभियांत्रिकी। कंप्यूटर साइंस, केमिकल इंजीनियरिंग। असैनिक अभियंत्रण। इतने के बीच इलेक्ट्रिकल इंजीनियरिंग। शीर्ष इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजों से बीई करने के लिए कॉलेज चुनने से पहले हम सर्वोत्तम मार्गदर्शन प्रदान कर सकते हैं।

इंजीनियरिंग पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश के लिए, आपको अपनी बारहवीं पास करनी होगी, और फिर उस कॉलेज के लिए आवश्यक प्रवेश परीक्षा में कट ऑफ अंक प्राप्त करना होगा। शीर्ष इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजों से बीई में प्रवेश से पहले आपको अच्छी तैयारी करनी चाहिए या उचित मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त करना चाहिए। हालाँकि, सीटें सीमित हैं, और इंजीनियरिंग सीटों के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा बहुत अधिक है, आपको अपनी पसंद के विशेषज्ञता में एक अच्छे कॉलेज में प्रवेश पाने के अन्य रास्ते तलाशने चाहिए। एक विकल्प एक प्रतिष्ठित निजी इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में अपने बीई या बीटेक के लिए प्रबंधन कोटा सीटों के लिए जाना है। यदि आप इस मार्ग का चयन करते हैं, तो हम आपको सलाह दे सकते हैं और आपकी पसंद के विषय में इंजीनियरिंग सीट हासिल करने में आपकी सहायता कर सकते हैं।

बिट्स, वीआईटी, क्राइस्ट कॉलेज, आरवी कॉलेज ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग जैसे शीर्ष इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजों में बीई या बीटेक की पढ़ाई आपके करियर को बढ़ावा दे सकती है और भारत में शीर्ष कंपनियों में जगह पाने में आपकी मदद कर सकती है। एक शीर्ष कॉलेज में अध्ययन करने से आपको वरिष्ठ संकाय से सीखने, अच्छे बुनियादी ढांचे तक पहुंच, इंटर्नशिप, विनिमय कार्यक्रम और एक उज्ज्वल सहकर्मी समूह तक पहुंच मिलती है। भविष्य में, कॉलेज का ब्रांड नाम निश्चित रूप से आपके करियर को गति देगा।

हम आपको भारत के एक शीर्ष कॉलेज विशेष रूप से मुंबई, पुणे, बैंगलोर में बीई या बीटेक करने के लिए जानकारी और परामर्श प्रदान करते हैं। शीर्ष इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में प्रवेश पाने से आपको अपनी पसंद की एक अच्छी कंपनी में एक सुंदर पैकेज के साथ सही नौकरी चुनने में मदद मिल सकती है।

Friday 29 October 2021

MCA Admission 2021: List of Top Private MCA Colleges

 Master of Computer Application (MCA)

Name : Pramod Kumar
Call +91 7209831889
+91 7050599189
Office time - 10 : 00 am to 05:00 pm

कार्यक्रम बहुत लोकप्रिय है और आईटी (सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी) के क्षेत्र में सबसे अधिक मांग वाले कार्यक्रमों में से एक है। इस प्रतिष्ठित कार्यक्रम को करने के लिए भारत में बहुत सारे विश्वविद्यालय और कॉलेज हैं जो एमसीए प्रवेश प्रदान करते हैं और एमसीए कार्यक्रम के लिए परीक्षा आयोजित करते हैं।

हालांकि, इस कार्यक्रम की बढ़ती मांग के कारण भारत में शीर्ष एमसीए कॉलेजों में प्रवेश करना चुनौतीपूर्ण और कठिन है। लेकिन भारत में बहुत सारे निजी कॉलेज हैं जहां से आप एमसीए (मास्टर ऑफ कंप्यूटर एप्लीकेशन) प्रोग्राम का विकल्प चुन सकते हैं।

इस ब्लॉग में, आप एमसीए प्रवेश के लिए शीर्ष निजी कॉलेजों के बारे में जानेंगे जहां आप प्रवेश ले सकते हैं और एक प्रतिष्ठित करियर बना सकते हैं और उद्योग की प्रासंगिकता में भी आगे बढ़ सकते हैं।

MCA Program Highlights


स्नातकोत्तर उपाधि

पूर्ण प्रपत्र

कंप्यूटर अनुप्रयोग के मास्टर


3 वर्ष


कोई आयु सीमा नहीं

औसत एमसीए पाठ्यक्रम शुल्क

INR 30 k - INR 2.4 L प्रति वर्ष

अध्ययन के समान विकल्प

एमसीएम, एमएससी (कंप्यूटर साइंस), बी.टेक (कंप्यूटर साइंस एंड इंजीनियरिंग), बीसीए+एमसीए, एमसीएस

औसत वेतन की पेशकश

औसत एमसीए पाठ्यक्रम वेतन INR 5.3 L प्रति वर्ष है

Top 10 Private Colleges for MCA Admissions 2021

कॉलेज / विश्वविद्यालय का नाम

औसत शुल्क (INR में)

लवली प्रोफेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी

रु. 77,000 प्रति सेमेस्टर

एपीजे इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मैनेजमेंट एंड इंजीनियरिंग टेक्निकल कैंपस

88,300/- प्रति वर्ष

इनवर्टिस विश्वविद्यालय

65,000/- प्रति वर्ष

संदीप विश्वविद्यालय

50,000/- प्रति वर्ष

सुंदर दीप ग्रुप ऑफ इंस्टीट्यूशंस

95,000/- प्रति वर्ष

अरोड़ा पीजी कॉलेज

48,000/- प्रति वर्ष

एमिटी यूनिवर्सिटी, नोएडा

82,000/- प्रति वर्ष

इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज रुड़की (सीओईआर)

1,24,000/- प्रति वर्ष

ज़ील एजुकेशन सोसाइटी

97,600/- प्रति वर्ष

एलएनसीटी विश्वविद्यालय

35,000/- प्रति वर्ष

ब्रेनवेयर यूनिवर्सिटी

83,300/- प्रति वर्ष

एम कुमारसामी कॉलेज ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग

50, 000 / - प्रति वर्ष

केएलई सोसाइटी का एस निजलिंगप्पा कॉलेज (केएलई)

1,10,000/- प्रति वर्ष

नरसरावपेटा इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज

40,000/- प्रति वर्ष

जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय (जेएनयू), नई दिल्ली

400/- प्रति वर्ष

कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय, कोलकाता

19,100/- प्रति वर्ष

मणिपाल उच्च शिक्षा अकादमी, मणिपाली

1,89,000/- प्रति वर्ष

हैदराबाद विश्वविद्यालय, हैदराबाद

51,955/- प्रति वर्ष

जामिया मिलिया इस्लामिया, नई दिल्ली

8,500/- प्रति वर्ष

सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विश्वविद्यालय, पुणे

26,000/- प्रति वर्ष

अन्ना विश्वविद्यालय, चेन्नई

41,000/- प्रति वर्ष

भारथिअर विश्वविद्यालय, कोयंबटूर

25,600/- प्रति वर्ष

एनआईटी त्रिची, तिरुचिरापल्ली

1,11,250/- प्रति वर्ष

वीआईटी विश्वविद्यालय, वेल्लोर

1,40,000 / - प्रति वर्ष

Do You Want Direct Admission in MBBS 2021?

Direct Admission in MBBS RANCHI 2021

Name : Pramod Kumar
Call +91 7209831889
+91 7050599189
Office time - 10 : 00 am to 05:00 pm

एमबीबीएस डॉक्टर बनने की पढ़ाई है। इसका फुल फॉर्म "बैचलर ऑफ मेडिसिन, और बैचलर ऑफ सर्जरी" है, जबकि लैटिन शब्दों में इसे "मेडिसिना बैकालॉरियस बैकालॉरियस चिरुर्गिया" कहा जाता है, भारत में, लोग डॉक्टर की डिग्री प्राप्त करने के लिए व्यावहारिक प्रशिक्षण सहित 5 साल 6 महीने तक एमबीबीएस का अध्ययन करते हैं। यह चिकित्सा विज्ञान में एक पेशेवर डिग्री है। डॉक्टर बनने के इच्छुक व्यक्ति चिकित्सा स्वास्थ्य केंद्रों, गैर सरकारी संगठनों, सरकारी और निजी अस्पतालों आदि में काम कर सकते हैं।

 एक प्रमाणित चिकित्सक बनने के लिए एमबीबीएस के अध्ययन से गुजरना पड़ता है। यदि कोई एमबीबीएस छात्र किसी निश्चित विषय में विशेषज्ञता प्राप्त करना चाहता है तो वह बड़ी पढ़ाई के लिए जा सकता है, हालांकि यह पूरी तरह से एक अलग हिस्सा है। पाठ्यक्रम को इस तरह से डिज़ाइन किया गया है कि एक छात्र चुन सकता है कि उसे वास्तव में क्या दिलचस्पी है। एमबीबीएस के कुछ विषयों में अंग प्रत्यारोपण, एंडोक्राइन, एनेस्थिसियोलॉजी, कार्डियोलॉजी आदि शामिल हैं। किसी भी निजी या सरकारी कॉलेज से एमबीबीएस की पढ़ाई को महत्व दिया जाता है। बशर्ते इसे राष्ट्रीय चिकित्सा परिषद द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त हो। हम एमबीबीएस में सीधे प्रवेश प्रदान करते हैं।

एमबीबीएस पाठ्यक्रम के अंत में, छात्रों को विभिन्न स्थानों जैसे गैर सरकारी संगठनों, अस्पतालों, देखभाल केंद्रों आदि में इंटर्नशिप के लिए ले जाया जाता है। इससे उन्हें विभिन्न सलाहकारों, चिकित्सा सहायता, चिकित्सकों, मनोचिकित्सकों, देखभाल इकाइयों, और के साथ काम करने का अवसर मिलता है। अनुभवी पेशेवरों का एक समूह। कोर्स पूरा होने के बाद छात्रों को नेशनल मेडिकल काउंसिल के प्रिस्क्रिप्शन से एग्जिट एग्जाम देना होता है। पूर्ण अधिकार के साथ एक पेशेवर चिकित्सक के रूप में अभ्यास करने का लाइसेंस।

 पेशेवर त्वचा भी अनुसंधान केंद्रों में सहयोगी बन जाती है। वे अपना क्लिनिक, अस्पताल खोल सकते हैं, सामाजिक सेवाएं कर सकते हैं, एनजीओ चला सकते हैं और बहुत कुछ कर सकते हैं। डॉक्टरों को किसी भी सरकारी क्षेत्र में नियोजित किया जा सकता है, चाहे वह स्थानीय हो या राज्य सरकार। इसलिए दुनिया में किसी भी डॉक्टर के लिए नौकरियों की कमी नहीं है। प्रबंधन कोटे के माध्यम से एमबीबीएस में सीधे प्रवेश के लिए, हम आपकी मदद कर सकते हैं।

Why One Should Pursue an MBBS Degree?

डॉक्टर बनना एक खूबसूरत और विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त पेशा है। यह भारत और दुनिया भर में सबसे अधिक मांग वाले व्यवसायों में से एक है। डॉक्टर वह होता है जो अपनी अर्जित डिग्री के माध्यम से समाज के स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल करता है। जैसा कि हम जानते हैं कि देश में सुशिक्षित डॉक्टरों की कमी है, राष्ट्रीय चिकित्सा परिषद लाइसेंसिंग की प्रणाली में बदलाव लाने के लिए तत्पर है। यह बड़े पैमाने पर देश और समाज के अच्छे भविष्य के लिए है। एक डॉक्टर अपने कंधों पर एक अलग ही गरिमा रखता है। इसमें कोई शक नहीं कि बहुत से लोग हैं जो इस पेशे को झूठी डिग्री से गाली देते हैं लेकिन सरकार फिर से स्थिति में सुधार कर रही है। सरकार अधिक प्रामाणिक डॉक्टरों को तस्वीर में लाने के लिए तत्पर है। एमबीबीएस में सीधे प्रवेश पाएं

यह एक दिलचस्प और नेक पेशा है जो हर किसी के बस की बात नहीं है। हालांकि, ऐसे उम्मीदवार हैं जो अपने पूरे दिल और दिमाग से इस पेशे में गंभीरता से आना चाहते हैं। एक सफल डॉक्टर बनने के लिए पूरे ध्यान के साथ काफी दृढ़ संकल्प और कड़ी मेहनत की जरूरत होती है।

What are the subjects in MBBS?

जैसा कि हम जानते हैं कि एमबीबीएस दवाओं और श्रेणियों का एक विशाल अध्ययन है। एमबीबीएस में पढ़ाए जाने वाले कुछ विषय इस प्रकार हैं:

शरीर रचना
नेत्र विज्ञान
हड्डी रोग
शल्य चिकित्सा
बच्चों की दवा करने की विद्या
प्रसूति और स्त्री रोग
त्वचाविज्ञान और वेनेरोलॉजी
विकृति विज्ञान
 जीव रसायन
 फोरेंसिक दवा और विष विज्ञान
 शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान
 सामुदायिक चिकित्सा

Thursday 23 September 2021

BBA,MBA admission 2021

Name : Pramod Kumar
Call +91 7209831889
+91 7050599189
Office time - 10 : 00 am to 05:00 pm


What is a Bachelor in Business Administration?

After perusing commence in the class 12th, BBA is the most suitable choice of the students to get a detailed idea about business economics and marketing management. It also helps the students to have a clear picture of the business accounting fundamentals and role of information technology. After BBA, the student can opt for higher education in the field of sales and marketing.

It is must for the students to score good grades in 12th standard, the students should also have good presentation skills. Moreover, it is a must for the students to score good numbers in national or state level entrance examination. You can also opt for BBA admission without management quota.

Apply For Admissions

Benefits of Pursuing Management Degree

BBA is the best way to get high-value graduation, it works as a stepping stone for all the students who want to study MBA and work in best multinational companies. When a student pursues BBA, they get the basic idea about various business principles and strategies. It also helps the individual to get much-needed knowledge about the corporate environment and basics of administration.

The biggest benefit of studying bachelors of business administration is, the students can focus on various specialization like accountancy, economics, finance, marketing, information system, etc. The total time duration of BBA course is 3 years and by the end of 3 years, the students have a detailed idea about the management concepts and understanding of business.

Pursuing BBA is highly beneficial for those who want to pursue an MBA and work for good multinational companies. The course of BBA is designed in such a way that the students can have a significant idea about business economics, it also helps to create a strong foundation for the MBA program.

Pursuing BBA is not easy, the students are required to get admission in top management schools. This will help them to get knowledge and practical exposure to the corporate world. A BBA degree from a reputed college can add more value to your resume moreover it is the best way to get admission in top MBA colleges.

There are many national and international level of entrance examination which filters out the best students to pursue BBA.  It is mandatory for the students to score good numbers in order to get placed in good company as well as reputed college.

B.Tech Admission 2021 in Ranchi

Name : Pramod Kumar
Call +91 7209831889
+91 7050599189
Office time - 10 : 00 am to 05:00 pm

Ranchi B.Tech Admission 2021 has been started from 12th October 2021. Ranchi is located in Eastern part India, bordering Nepal. It is divided by the River Ganges. Patna is the capital of this state. It has numerous educational institutions along with some private and government universities. It has also one of the IITs. Most of the candidates came here for accessing higher education from different places. This state has the literacy rate of 63.4 percent. In this article, candidates can get the complete information related to the B.Tech admission in Ranchi 2021.

Apply For Admissions

Admission Procedure

Admission in the undergraduate engineering programme (B.Tech) will be offered through state level or national level entrance test. Candidates can apply by BCECE portal through UGEAC for admission into Engineering courses by JEE Main 2021 Scores.

The admissions will be done on the basis of the candidate’s performance in the entrance exam. On clearing the entrance test, candidates have to appear in the counselling round for the allotment of seats.

Admissions Closing Shortly

Entrance Exams

In the state of Ranchi, admission into engineering courses is done through state level and national level entrance exams. BCECE is the state level entrance exam and JEE Main 2021 is the national level entrance exam through which candidates can get admission.

For admission into IITs and NITs, candidates have to appear in JEE Main Exam. BCECE 2021 will be conducted by the BCECE Board. For admission into the M.Tech course, Candidates can appear in GATE 2021 exam.

Top Engineering Colleges in Ranchi

Ranchi is the house for various top reputed engineering colleges. It has many famous colleges like Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Birla Institute of Technology Patna, National Institute of Technology Patna, etc.

B.Tech Admission 2021

Candidates those seeking admission through entrance test must meet the eligibilities given below.

Candidate should be the citizen of India.

Candidate should pass 10+2 or its equivalent examination from a recognized board.

Candidate should pass the Intermediate with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English subjects.

Candidates should obtain a minimum of 50% marks (45% in case of reserved categories).

Appearing candidates can also apply.

Selection Procedure

Candidates those will be qualified in the entrance exam can participate in the counselling. For admission into various engineering colleges, the admission will be provided on the basis of score card of JEE Main and BCECE. Candidates have to verify their certificates either online or offline mode according to the concerned authority.

The seats will be allotted on the basis of candidate’s rank, filed choices and availability of seats in the participated colleges. After receiving the provisional seat allotment letter candidates can report to the allotted college for the final admission.

Documents Required

Candidates can participate in the counselling on producing the certificates given below. Candidates make sure that the documents should be produced in original along with one set of photocopy.

10th Marksheet and Passing certificate

12th Marksheet & Passing certificate

Entrance exam admit card &rank card

Domicile Certificate

Passport size photographs

Transfer Certificate

Category Certificate

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Get Direct Admission in Top Engineering Colleges in Mumbai.

  Direct admission in B.E./B.Tech in Top Engineering Colleges in Mumbai through institute level vacant seats or management quota seats.

We are the oldest Consultant in Mumbai and have earned reputation of providing direct admission in Top Engineering Colleges in Mumbai in the lowest rate for management quota seats.

The eligibility criteria for direct admission in BE/B.Tech in Mumbai remains 45% in Physics, Chemistry and Maths at 10+2 for open category students and 40% for reserved category students. Find below the list of engineering colleges in Mumbai for direct admission in BE/B.Tech

list of engineering colleges in Mumbai affiliated to Mumbai University and approved by AICTE.

1. Saraswati Education Society, Group of Institutions ( Integrated Campus), Diksal Dist. Raigad
Address: Sau.Vandana N.Tasgaonkar Technical Education Complex, Plot No.14, Village Diksal Post Koshane, Kalyan-Karjat Road, Dist. Raigad
Established: 2009
Computer, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication

2. Manjara Charitable Trust's Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai
Address: Off. Juhu Versova Link Road, Versova, Andheri(W) Mumbai
Established: 1992
Computer, Mechanical, lT, Electronics & Telecommunication, Instrumentation

Apply for Admissions

3. Vidyalankar Institute of Technology,Wadala, Mumbai
Address:Vidyalankar Educational Campus,Vidyalankar College Marg, Wadala(E), Mumbai
Established: 1993
Computer,  lT, Electronics,  Electronics & Telecommunication, Bio Medical

4. Mahavir Education Trust's Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai
Address: Vaman Tukaram Patil Marg, Chembur, Mumbai
Established: 1985
Computer, IT, Electronics

5. Ramrao Adik Edu Soc, Ramarao Adik Instt. of Tech., Navi Mumbai
Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyanagar, Sector-7, Phase-I, Nerul, Navi Mumbai
Established: 1983
Computer, IT, Electronics, Electronics & Telecommunication, Instrumentation

6. M.G.M.'s College of Engineering and Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai
At Junction of NH4 & Sion-Panvel Expressway, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai
Establish: 1986
Computer,  lT, Electronics,  Electronics & Telecommunication, Bio Medical, Bio Technology, Chemical, Mechanical, Civil, Electrical

7. Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Kandivali, Mumbai
Thakur Shyamnarayan Marg,Thakur Village,Kandivali(E), Mumbai
Establish: 1999
Computer, IT, Electronics & Telecommunication

8. K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar, Mumbai
Vidya_Nagar, Vidya Vihar, Mumbai
Establish: 1983
Computer,  lT, Electronics,  Electronics & Telecommunication, Mechanical

9. Thadomal Shahani Engineering College, Bandra, Mumbai
37th Road, Off Linking Road, (Near National), Bandra (West), Mumbai
Establish: 1983
Computer,  lT,   Electronics & Telecommunication, Bio Medical, Bio Technology, Chemical,

10. Anjuman-I-Islam's M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering, Byculla,Mumbai
8, M.H.Saboo Siddik Polytechnic Road, P.O.Box: 4627, Byculla ,Mumbai
Establish: 1984
Computer , Automobile, Mechanical, IT, Civil, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics

11. Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Bandra,Mumbai
Father Agnel Ashram , Band-stand, Bandra (West), Mumbai
Establish: 1984
Course: Computer, IT, Electronics, Production

12.Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Chembur, Mumbai
Hashu Advani Memorial Complex, Behind Collector Colony, R.C. Marg, Chembur, Mumbai
Establish: 1984
Computer, IT, Electronics, Electronics & Telecommunication, Instrumentation

13. N.Y.S.S.'s Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Airoli, Navi Mumbai
P.B. No. 15, CIDCO Colony, Plot No. 98, Sector 3, Airoli, Navi Mumbai
Establish: 1988
Computer,  lT, Electronics,  Chemical, Mechanical, Civil

14. Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Pratishthans College of Engineering, Sion,Mumbai
Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Education Complex, Eastern Express Highway, Near Everard Nagar, Sion-Chunabhatti Mumbai
Establish: 1990
Computer,  lT,   Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics

15. Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Belpada, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Sector - 7,CBD- Belpada,Near Kharghar Rly Station, Navi Mumbai
Establish: 1990
Computer,  lT,   Electronics & Telecommunication, Instrumentation, Chemical, Mechanical

16.Terna Engineering College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai
Plot No. 12, Sector-22,Opp. Nerul Railway Station,Phase-II, Nerul (W),Navi Mumbai
Establish: 1991
Course: Computer,  lT,   Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics

17.Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering,Kopar Khairane, Navi Mumbai
Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering
Sector-16,CIDCO, Plot No.17 &18 Koper Khairane, Navi Mumbai
Establish: 1983
Computer, lnstrumentation,   Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrical

18. Shivajirao S. Jondhale College of Engineering, Dombivali,Mumbai
Sheel Kalyan Highway, Behind Venkatesh Petrolpump, Sonarpada, Manpada Post, Dombivali (E) Thane
Establish: 1994
Computer, lT,   Electronics & Telecommunication, Chemical, Production, Mechanical

19. Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering and Technology, Vasai, Thane
Vasai Road (W Rly), Tal: Vasai Dist : Thane
Establish: 1994
Computer,  lT,   Electronics & Telecommunication, Instrumentation, Mechanical

Thursday 9 September 2021

Direct Admission in B.pharma

 भारत में, B.Pharma पाठ्यक्रम के लिए 1,400 से अधिक कॉलेज प्रवेश प्रदान करते हैं। इन कॉलेजों में चयन प्रक्रिया में शामिल कदम अलग-अलग होते हैं। जहां कुछ कॉलेज उच्च माध्यमिक परीक्षाओं में उम्मीदवारों के प्रदर्शन के आधार पर प्रवेश देते हैं, वहीं कुछ कॉलेज प्रवेश परीक्षा के आधार पर प्रवेश प्रदान करते हैं।

Name : Pramod Kumar
Call +91 7209831889
+91 7050599189
Office time - 09 : 00 am to 06:00 pm

इसलिए, यदि आप B.Pharma के लिए प्रवेश प्रक्रिया के बारे में भी सोच रहे हैं, तो हमने आपको अनुसरण करने के लिए चरण-दर-चरण मार्गदर्शिका का उल्लेख किया है।

B.Pharma कोर्स के बारे में सब कुछ

भारत में B.Pharma प्रवेश 2021 - मुख्य विशेषताएं

कोर्स का नाम

फार्मेसी के स्नातक

साधारणतया जाना जाता है


के माध्यम से प्रवेश

मेरिट-आधारित प्रवेश / प्रवेश परीक्षा के माध्यम स

शैक्षणिक योग्यता आवश्यक

बारहवीं कक्षा

न्यूनतम प्रतिशत आवश्यक है

45% (भिन्न हो सकते हैं)

2021 में भारत में B.Pharma एडमिशन के लिए तिथियां

वर्ष 2021 के लिए भारत में B.Pharma प्रवेश के लिए अस्थायी अनुसूची नीचे उल्लिखित की गई है: -

2021 में भारत में B.Pharma प्रवेश के लिए पात्रता मानदंड

B.Pharm के लिए प्रवेश आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करना इस कोर्स में प्रवेश पाने के लिए अपरिहार्य है। निम्नलिखित मानदंड हैं जो आपको आवेदन प्रक्रिया में भाग लेने के लिए मिलना चाहिए।

न्यूनतम शैक्षिक आवश्यकता: एक मान्यता प्राप्त भारतीय शिक्षा बोर्ड से बारहवीं कक्षा

न्यूनतम प्रतिशत: 45 प्रतिशत से 55 प्रतिशत (विभिन्न संस्थानों के लिए अलग-अलग)

आवश्यक विषय: विज्ञान विषय (भौतिकी, रसायन विज्ञान / जैव रसायन, गणित / जीव विज्ञान)

न्यूनतम आयु: कम से कम 17 वर्ष

आयु सीमा: परिभाषित नहीं

भारत में B.Pharma प्रवेश के लिए 2021 में आवेदन कैसे करें

उम्मीदवार भारत में B.Pharma पाठ्यक्रम के लिए ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन माध्यम से आवेदन कर सकते हैं।

B.Pharma 2021 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन

B.Pharma के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया संबंधित कॉलेज की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाकर शुरू होती है

कॉलेज अपनी वेबसाइट के होमपेज पर ऑनलाइन आवेदन पोर्टल के लिंक प्रदान करते हैं।

प्रक्रिया में पहला कदम हमेशा पंजीकरण होता है।

उसके बाद, आवेदन फॉर्म भरने के लिए आवेदक एक लॉगिन आईडी जनरेट करते हैं।

यह आवश्यक है कि फॉर्म को पूरी लगन से भरें और केवल मान्य जानकारी दर्ज करें।

अगला चरण आमतौर पर सहायक दस्तावेजों और छवियों को अपलोड कर रहा है।

अंत में, वे एक आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान करके आवेदन पत्र जमा कर सकते हैं जो विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों / कॉलेजों के लिए भिन्न होता है।

B.Pharma 2021 के लिए ऑफलाइन आवेदन

ऑफ़लाइन आवेदन के लिए, कई कॉलेज अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइटों पर एक आवेदन पत्र प्रदान करते हैं।

उम्मीदवार इन फॉर्म को वेबसाइटों से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं, प्रिंटआउट ले सकते हैं और भरना शुरू कर सकते हैं।

कुछ कॉलेजों में यह प्रावधान नहीं है। उस स्थिति में, उम्मीदवारों को कॉलेज के कार्यालयों से शारीरिक रूप से एक आवेदन पत्र एकत्र करना होगा।

फॉर्म भरने के बाद, महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेजों को संलग्न करना और आवेदन शुल्क के लिए डीडी प्रदान करना, उम्मीदवारों को आवेदन की समय सीमा से पहले निर्धारित पते पर फॉर्म पोस्ट करना होगा।

Friday 2 July 2021

Punjab College of Engineering and Technology direct admission from management quota

Name : Pramod Kumar
Call +91 7209831889
+91 7050599189
Office time - 09 : 00 am to 06:00 pm

If anyone looking for Direct Admission in top Engineering College of Punjab through Management Quota, you are definitely at right Place. We will help you to secure your admission in best available college at your preferred budget constraints. We are providing admission guidance for Engineering in top colleges in all over India.

Few top college in Punjab

Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College (GNDEC), Ludhiana

Giani Zail Singh Punjab Technical University Campus, Bathinda

Malout Institute of Management & Information

Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Campus,

Chandigarh Enrineering College (CEC) Landarn

University College of Engineering (UCOE), Main

Baba Hira Singh Bhattal Institute of Engg. & Tech,

Beant college of Engineering & Technology, Amritsar

DAV Institute of Engineering ang Technology, Jalandhar

We want to make the admissions process less stressful for you and your family, by shining a light on the admissions process and providing you with a personalized strategy for success. 100% Safe & Genuine admission Guaranteed for Top Engineering Colleges Admissions in Punjab & other parts of INDIA through Management/NRI Quota.


How To Get Direct Admission in Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh?

What is Direct Admission Process in Punjab College of Engineering

What to do for Direct Admission in Punjab Engineering College?

Which Kind of Admission Procedure for Direct Admission in Punjab Engineering College?

Call us Now! 07209831889

We the well known consultants for direct admission in Punjab engineering college. We guide students by provide information about admissions in different courses and provide full guidelines of admission procedure details.

In the contemporary era most of eligible students does not know that how to get admission in their favorite colleges or universities even they deserve it. Today majority of students cannot get latest updates of admission procedure, admission application details, form filling dates, entrance exams details for various courses and various times and finally they missed their golden chance of admissions in their desired institutes.

Therefore we have started this service to provide up to date information to students and their parents. It’s our goal that every student can make their career bright and they serve the services as we serve now.

Engineering Colleges in Punjab

There are a number of Private and Government Engineering colleges in Punjab. Engineering/management colleges in Punjab offer Regular Engineering, Correspondence Engineering or Executive Engineering Engineering in various fields of management studies at different levels. Below is the list of top Engineering colleges in Punjab to help out those who are looking for a list of Engineering colleges. This List of Engineering Institutes in Punjab offers- name of top Engineering Colleges of Punjab along with their Address, offering Engineerings, Contact Address, Location Map, Campus Details and other details.


Gulzar Group of Institutes

Khanna, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Diploma

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Electrical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)

Satyam Institute of Engineering & Technolog Amritsar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

RIMT Institute of Engineering & TechnologyMandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Radiant Institute of Engineering & Technology Abohar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)

Adesh Institute of Engineering & Technology Faridkot, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Technology (Electronic & Communication Engineering), Master of Technology (Information Technology), Master of Technology (Electrical Engineering), Master of Science (Information Technology)

Institute of Engineering and Technology-Bhaddal Ropar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

University Institute of Engineering & Technology Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Integrated Courses

Courses Available: Bachelor of Engineering ( Computer Science Engineering), Bachelor of Engineering (Information Technology), Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), Master of Engineering (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Ferozepur Group of Institutions Firozpur, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)

PCTE Group of Institutes Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential,Distance Education

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Diploma

Courses Available: Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHMCT), Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharma), Bachelor of Science (Airlines, Tourism & Hospitality Management)

St. Soldier Group of Institutions Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Diploma,Diploma,Integrated Courses

Courses Available: Diploma in Automobile Engineering, Bachelor of Science (Hotel & Hospitality Administration), Bachelor of Science (Medical), Bachelor of Science (Non Medical)

Innocent Hearts Group of Institutions Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Programme

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (International Business), Master of Business Administration (Information Technology), Master of Computer Application (MCA), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engineering & Technology Sangrur, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)

CT Institute of Engineering, Management & Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Master of Business Administration (Human Resource), Master of Business Administration (Information Technology), Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology Sangrur, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (Human Resource), Master of Business Administration (Financial Management), Master of Business Administration (Marketing), Master of Business Administration (Production & Operations)

University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Enginering (Chemical), Bachelor of Enginering (Food Technology), Master of Science (Industrial Chemistry), Master of Technology (Polymer)

University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Integrated Courses

Courses Available: Master of Engineering (Chemical), Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), Bachelor of Chemical engineering (Master of Business Administration), Bachelor of Engineering (Food Technology)

SAS Group of Institutions Mohali-Chandigarh Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Computer Applications (MCA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Sant Baba Bhag Singh Institute of Engineering & Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential,Part Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology)

Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Engineering and Technology (L.L.R.I.E.T.) Moga, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology), Masters in Computer Application (MCA)

Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa Institute of Engineering & Technology (GTBKIET) Muktsar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology Amritsar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential,Part Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Ghubaya College of Engineering and Technology Firozpur, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor Computer Science & Engineering , Bachelors of Engineering (Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering ), Bachelors of Engineering (Civil Engineering), Bachelors of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering )

Dr. IT Group Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Diploma

Courses Available: Bachelor of Science (Airlines Tourism and Hospitality Management), Bachelor of Commerce (Professional), Diploma in Computer Engineering, Diploma in Civil Engineering

Beant College of Engineering & Technology, Gurdaspur Gurdaspur, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Biotechnology), Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Swami Parmanand College of Engineering & Technology Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential,Part Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Diploma

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration, Master of Technology (Mechanical Engigeering), Master of Technology (Production Engineering), Master of Technology (Electronic & Communication Engineering)

CT Institute of Technology & Research Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Master of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), ,

CT Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Rupnagar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering , Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering , Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering,

Punjab Institute of Management & Technology Fathegarh Sahib, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Commerce (Professional), Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

National Institute of Technology Jalandhar Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential,Part Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Biotechnology), Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)

GNA Institute of Management & Technology Phagwara, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Diploma

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (Marketing), Master of Business Administration (Finance), ,

NextWaveArts Institute of Multimedia & Technology Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time,Part Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Diploma,Certification

Courses Available: Bachelor of Journalism & Advertising, Bachelor of Multimedia Technology, Master of Mass-communication & Journalism, Programme Certification in Video Editing & Sound Recording

Aryans Institute of Management and Technology Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Computer Application, Bachelor of Business Administration, ,

ICAII Institute of Management & Technology Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), Master of Computer Application (MCA)

MediTech An Institute for Medical & Engineering Coaching Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Education Type: Part Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Two Years integrated course for X passed, One Year XIIth Cum IIT JEE, One Year Regular Course for XII passed, Crash Course for Engineering

Lord Ganesha, Institute of Management & Technology Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Diploma,Diploma

Courses Available: Diploma in Computer Science Engineering, Diploma in Automobile Engineering, Diploma in Refrigration Engineering, Master of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)

Guru Nanak Institute of Management & Technology

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing), Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance), Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Technology)

Malout Institute of Management and Information Technology Malout, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: B.Tech. (Bio Technology), B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering ), B.Tech. (Civil Engineering ), B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering )

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management & Technology (GJIMT) Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration, Master of Computer Applications, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Computer Applications

Guru Nanak Institute of Management & Technology (GNIMT) Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Diploma

Courses Available: Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Computer Applications, Master of Business Administration, Master of Computer Applications

CT institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Certification

Courses Available: Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHM&CT), Bachelor of Science (Hotel Management & Catering Technology), Bachelor of Science (Airline Tourism & Hospitality Management), Master of Science (Airline Tourism & Hospitality Management)

Sachdeva Engineering College for Girls Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Aryans College of Engineering Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electical Engineering)

Chandigarh Engineering College Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical)

Shaheed Udham Singh Engineering College Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential,Part Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electronics Engineering)

GGS College of Modern Technology Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology), Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

Softbrain Informatic Technology Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Part Time

Education Level: Diploma,Certification

Courses Available: Certification in Computer Applications, Certification in Web Master, Certification in Animation & Special Vfx, Certification in Business Management

PEC University of Technology Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Diploma

Courses Available: Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering), Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering), Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering), Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College Fathegarh Sahib, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering), Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology)

Guru Harkrishan College of Management & Technology Patiala, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Computer Applications (MCA), , ,

Shaheed Udham Singh College of Research and Technology Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Science (Biotechnology), Master of Science (Microbiology), Master of Science (Psychology), Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)

Rayat Institute of Management Nawanshahr, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Bussiness Managment (MBA), Bachelor of Bussiness Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA),

Apeejay Institute of Management Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Computer Applications, Master of Business Administration, Master of Computer Applications

Apeejay Svran Institute of Management Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Post Graduate Diploma

Courses Available: Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Marketing Management), Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Human Resources), Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Operations Management), Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Information Technology)

CT Institute of Hotel Management Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Science (Hospitality & Hotel Administration), , ,

Chanakya Institute of Management Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (Marketing), Master of Business Administration (Human Resource), Master of Business Administration (Finance), Master of Business Administration (Information Technology)

CT Institute of Management Studies Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (Finance), Master of Business Administration (Marketing), Master of Business Administration (Human Resource),

CT institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics), Master of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), Master of Pharmacy (Pharmacology), Master of Pharmacy (Industrial Pharmacy)

Panacea Bharti Institute Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Education Type: Part Time

Education Level: other

Courses Available: Bank Clerk, , ,

Hotel & Catering Management Institute Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree,Diploma,Certification

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (Hotel Management), Bachelor of Science (Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Tourism), Bachelor of Science (Airlines

G.H.G. Institute Of Law For Women Sidhwan Khurd, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: B.A. (LL.B.), LL.B., ,

Institute of Computer and Finance Executives Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: 1

Education Level: 1

Courses Available: Certification in Finance Executive, Certification in English Edge, Certification in Speed, Certification in Accounts Executive

Zee Institute of Creative Art Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time,Part Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Diploma,Certification

Courses Available: Bachelor of Science (Animation & VFX), Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts and Digital Graphics Technology), Diploma in Animation Film Making, Advance Diploma In Animation & Visual Effects

Orane Beauty Institute Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Diploma,Certification

Courses Available: Advance Diploma In Aesthetics & Hair Designing, Diploma in Beauty & Hair Designing, Diploma in Hair Designing, Certificate in Advance Hair Designing

University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Pharmacy, Master of Pharmacy, ,

Cordia Institute of Business Management Fathegarh Sahib, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree,Integrated Courses

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (Financial Management), Master of Business Administration (Marketing Management), Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), Master of Business Administration (Information Technology)

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Pharmacy (Biotechnology), Master of Pharmacy (Clinical Research), Master of Surgery (Natural Products), Master of Surgery (Pharmaceutical Analysis)

CT Institute of Advance Management Studies Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (Finance), Master of Business Administration (Marketing), Master of Business Administration (Human Resource),

Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: MS (Integrated) Program , PhD Program, Doctoral Program (PhD),

Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Doctor of Medicine (Anaesthesia), Master Of Surgery, M.Sc. Med.Tech. (Microbiology)), M.Sc.(Bio-chemistry)

Cordia Institutes of Vocational Training (CIVT) Fathegarh Sahib, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Diploma

Courses Available: Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Specialist Techniques, VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing, ,

Shaheed Udham Singh Institute of Computer Science Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Computer Applications (MCA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), ,

Sant Baba Bhag Singh Institute of Education Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), , ,

State Institute of Nursing & Para Medical Sciences Muktsar, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Diploma

Courses Available: Bachelor of Science (Nursing), Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Science (Medical Laboratory Technology), Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery

National Institute Of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research, Chandigarh Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: M.E. (Manufacturing Technology), M.E. (Construction Technology & Management), M.E. (Computer Science and Engineering), M.E. (Instrumentation and Control)

National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: M.E. (Manufacturing Technology), M.E. (Construction Technology and Management), M.E. (Computer Science and Engineering), M.E. (Instrumentation and Control)

Institute of Management and Creative Studies-Centum U Mohali, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Master of Business Administration (Telecommunication), Master of Business Administration (Retail), Master of Business Administration (Sales & Marketing), Master of Business Administration (Human Resources)

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time Residential

Education Level: Graduate Degree,Post Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Doctor of Medicine (Medicine), Doctor of Medicine (Microbiology), Doctor of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics)

Cordia Institute of Hospitality, Tourism & Hotel Management Fathegarh Sahib, Punjab, India

Education Type: Full Time

Education Level: Graduate Degree

Courses Available: Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHM&CT), , ,

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